Home Charts and graphs

Charts and graphs

Charts and graphs provide a visual representation of data, which can often be easier to understand.

To make a chart, use the chart wizard or the gallery, then follow the onscreen instructions.

There are several types of charts. Choose a chart based on the type of data to be displayed. The charts you can choose from include:

  • line graph – to show a change over time
  • pie chart – show the individual parts that make up a whole
  • bar chart – compare things that aren’t directly related
  • scatter graph – look for a pattern or link between two sets of data
  • Line graph showing temperature during the year

Always use logical title and axis labels so that your chart makes sense to others.

Paul could use a bar chart to quickly see if his incomings are greater than his outgoings.

Download a new version of Paul’s spreadsheet, which includes a chart.

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